Monday, February 3, 2020

Criticall review for secure Database Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criticall review for secure Database - Essay Example One of the reasons for not implementing secured databases is the improper design that does not act in accordance to organizational security policies. This document presents the importance of database security and critically reviews the various reasons for improper security implementation. Moreover, the document provides comprehensive analysis of the techniques and strategies are being utilized to overcome the database security issues (Abramov, Anson, Dahan, Shoval and Sturm, 2012). Database Security The database security is concerned with the unauthorized access or misuse of the authorized user which leads to the leakage of personal or potential information. A database is said to be a reliable data storage source if it does not compromise on confidentiality (data security), integrity (the correctness of data) and availability. The integrity of data is dependent on the data gathering and storing process, moreover, if the database could be accessed by unauthorized users can influence t he correctness of data. ... Moreover, the data can be made secure by the application security and database integrity controls (Oracle, 2003). Logical and Physical Database Security The Elmasri and Navathe in 2004 a methodology have been introduced for developing a database design. The database designing methodology has following three (3) main phases include: the Conceptual database design, Logical database design, and Physical database design. As the objective of this document s to present a review of the database security concerns for avoiding illegal access, therefore, the document limits the discussion to the logical database design phase. In order to implement the security policies, the logical database design is the most critical phase. The database security can be implemented while designing the database and developing the software application. There are certain techniques need to be implemented for the development of a secured database. One of the techniques is the general security specification techniq ue that can be implemented using Unified Modeling Language (UML) use cases. In order to implement the user privileges the database designer needs to implement the access control specification technique. One of the limitations of these techniques include these methods do not have provisions to tackle the organizational security policy. Keeping in view the limitations, a new security model has been suggested in which the database designers can implement the organizational security policy patterns which would be implemented while application development. In the design phase the database designers can develop security constraints following organizational policy. The

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